Why women lose respect for you

I’m not saying you fight with her constantly, or struggle with her constantly just because you need to be right. What I’m talking about relates to this:

Living a life of integrity is the most important
thing to earning her respect.

It’s sticking to what you believe in – and not being easily swayed by what she wants you to do, just so you can please her and get some sex tonight.

HOW TO LOSE HER RESPECT: Turn into a jealous guy

A little jealousy keeps you on your toes and appreciating what you have. Too much jealousy is ugly and a real turn-off. This emotion, if you let it run you, can make you a paranoid, clingy, and unbearable guy.

No woman would respect you if you allow this emotion to overcome you. Instead of admiration, she’ll feel irritated, and – worse – will boil to the point where she can’t stand being with you.


So, if you’re the type who constantly asks “Who were you with?”, “Where were you?”, “What were you doing?”.


Also, if you see her with male co-workers, control your need to go up to them to “set things straight” – that she’s your “woman” and they better stay away from her.

That kind of boorishness makes you look stupid and tells everyone you’re an insecure man. No woman can respect a guy like this.

HOW TO LOSE HER RESPECT: Become undependable

A woman likes a man who she can depend on, someone that she can count on when the going gets tough.

If you’re the type of guy who flakes out when life unexpectedly turns for the worse, she’ll see it and lose respect. Be reliable and consistent.

Like, if you say you’ll be at her place tomorrow at a certain time – well, be there. And don’t be late.

Show her that you’re a responsible guy. Always follow through on your promises. She’ll admire and respect you for that.


And so will everyone else in your life, funny enough. Don’t be surprised if you find you entire quality of life improving just from focusing on your integrity and respectability.


You can’t demand it. You can’t buy it.

But you can create an impeccable reputation and aura of respect that will draw women like flies to honey.

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma

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