Three Ways to Be the Man of Her Dreams

If she was already with another guy, said guy would probably take out any suitors by any means necessary. Times are obviously different now, but that same fear still runs through us.

Here’s something to think about: your emotions will always mess with you, so don’t fight the fact that you are indeed, feeling that fear.

Embrace it, and treat it like an adrenaline rush.

Besides, the outcome is nowhere near as terrible as your mind makes it out to be. The worst that could happen is getting a “no”, and you already know what that means in the big picture.

#3: Spend Time Doing Stuff Other than Attracting Women

Being good at dating is a skill, but unlike other skills (e.g. playing the guitar, martial arts), you won’t develop this ability by throwing all of your energy at it.

In truth, attracting women is mostly a by-product of how you good are with other things. Like living a well-rounded life for example.

One of the key components of masculine power is having the drive, happiness and enthusiasm which makes women want to be part of your life.

If a guy was laser-focused on picking up women and have nothing else going on, you can just imagine the vibe that girls would get from him.

Don’t be this guy. Even if you’re learning about the techniques to attract women, you also have to cultivate an attitude that makes you fun and relaxed around them.


And that means finding something that makes your life meaningful, with or without a woman in your life.

That goes for all aspects of your life, whether it’s your job, a personal hobby, or your relationships with the people around you. You need to remember that the sum of your existence isn’t attached to women.

And knowing this gives you the strength that women desire in a guy.

That’s as ironic as it is true – you attract women by not chasing after them. Or at least not in a way that makes you desperate.

And if you really want to have that masculine power locked down for good, you have to learn the real secret to keeping it. You see, there’s a little known trend called T-Bleed which literally drains men of their testosterone.

To keep your masculine essence intact (your “mojo”, if you will) you need to eliminate this threat today. Learn more about it here.

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma

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