The REAL Difference Between Men and Women

Applying it to the Present

The first thing you need to know about communicating with women is that they don’t respond to the usual “guy talk.” As we just discussed, a girl’s mind values concepts that we guys may not readily appreciate, like talking about things from an emotional perspective.

Like I pointed out, women are all about relationships and drama, so encourage them to discuss topics that revolve around these central themes.

For example, try asking her about the best experience she’s ever had while growing up, in her career or during any important time in her life. Chances are she’ll discuss it in great detail and walk you through everything she felt, step by step.

Men don’t realize it, but when a woman gets into the conversation like this, the pleasure center in her brain lights up like a Christmas tree.

This is thousands of years’ worth of evolution at play, so make sure you tap into this during a conversation.

I mean it in a good way when I point out that women love to talk about themselves. Giving her the chance to share something important about herself puts her at ease and makes her feel you care about what’s on her mind.


Give As Good As You Get

And to really turn her on even more, learn to “mirror” back this energy by matching her enthusiasm.

Let me explain that to you.

If she talks about the awesome vacation she had with friends at New Zealand, try to understand why she enjoyed it so much in the first place.

Did she love the laid-back lifestyle? Was it the unique culture of the place? Or does she just enjoy exploring the unknown in general?

Once you’ve zeroed in on what she loved about her vacation, throw it back to her:

“Yeah, I totally get why you were so psyched about going there. I also love going somewhere I’ve never been to and not knowing what to expect. Life’s more interesting when you break out of your comfort zone, you know what I mean?”

This is an excellent way to make her feel connected to you and give her the impression that you really “get her.”

I’ve seen plenty of men trying to talk to women like they do with their buddies, and it simply doesn’t turn them on. We like giving each other a hard time (e.g. greeting each other with an insult, trading fart jokes, etc.), but women don’t work that way.

Jokes are fine (as long as they’re tasteful and not mean-spirited), but focus on discussing thought-provoking topics instead.

Women are bored to death by the usual getting-to-know-you exercise of talking about what you do for a living, and other mundane stuff. Be different – read up on current events, interesting trivia and articles that cover relationships or the human condition.

If you can use a woman’s natural affinity for those subjects, you can pretty much keep her entertained and interested throughout the conversation.

So, don’t work against those differences, embrace them!

There’s another crucial difference that men have, and it’s that we primarily run on testosterone. This hormone is deeply linked to our masculine traits, which makes us naturally attractive to the opposite sex.

To make sure you never lose any of yours, my Alpha Sexual Power course will show you how to always be in top condition and stay attractive to women.

Check it out here.

Stay Alpha…
– Carlos Xuma

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