Women have shared information since time began on how to rule the world of relationships, through sexual power and an innate understanding of psychology and persuasion. Men need an ally in this game, and I created Dating Dynamics to give you that edge.
Dating Advice For Men
A lot of guys ask me how I got into this field of dating advice for men, so let me give you a little background…
I had a girlfriend or two back in high school. Didn’t give my dating life (or lack of) much thought.
Until disaster struck.
I had a relationship that turned sour on me, and I started getting all “Nice Guy.” I started reading the self-help books by PhD.s that didn’t know dick about how REAL attraction is built. They could only tell you that it should be this way, and all the rational crap that did NOT work. (Like telling a woman your true feelings for her.)
I remember being on a date where the girl actually CRINGED away from me when I went to hug her good night. I remember losing it on my balcony after they left, and I swore that I’d never go through that again.
I knew there was some kind of behavioral change I could make to fix this. I had to know –
How to make women attracted to me
…or it was going to kill me.
I started reading all the books in the bookstore on the topic. When I realized they didn’t have the information I needed (or even a clue for guys, really), I started looking for books that talked about “pickup,” “seduction,” and “techniques” – the forbidden information that you couldn’t find anywhere else.
(I started this before there was an “Internet,” mind you. 🙂
When I got as much as I could find (and that wasn’t a lot) I started trying and experimenting with women and dating. I got rejected and blasted, and occasionally I also got some success. I watched why certain guys did the things they did and noticed how their behavior influenced and built strong attraction in women.
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I have spent years and years out there getting battered, deep-fried, and served up as a meal ticket in the world of dating, and there’s no reason why any guy should have to go through that. That’s why I create these programs for men – and just started creating programs for women.
I wrote these books and CD and DVD programs, and then crammed them full of information that is practical, useful, and REAL. None of that “buy her roses/write her poems/tell her how you feel” crap.
I teach men how to attract women by being themselves – the confident and dominant men that really get women.
I teach from a place of values and honor, and I’m proud to say that my material doesn’t rely on manipulation or tricks to get you more dates and more women in your life.
Ask yourself: Do you want to wind up in your rocking chair whining about all the things you shouldhave done?
You only get one shot at this life, so seize this opportunity.
It’s time to start winning.
Invest in yourself and learn the strategies and mindset that will make you successful not just with women but in LIFE.”
I salute you for the step you’re about to take. I can honestly say that learning how to get this part of my life under my control has been the biggest step in my development as a man. And now you can get the benefit of this information, too.
If you’re going to start with one program, I suggest you look at the Get a Girlfriend FAST audio course. This one program will give you all the basic strategies for attracting women into your life.
Who Is Carlos Xuma?
Carlos Xuma is a dating and attraction advisor, as well as a motivational and life counselor. He’s the author of The Dating Black Book, Secrets of the Alpha Man, Approach Women NOW, the Alpha Immersion DVD program, the Advanced Audio Coaching Series (in its fourth year), and too many other articles to mention. He also produces a weekly podcast(available on iTunes) and a regular newsletter.
Carlos brings to the table a variety of life experiences, including a background in relationship skills, life-coaching, motivational psychology, sales, management, Martial Arts, teaching and instruction, technology and engineering, Eastern philosophy, the psychology of achievement, and music.
Yes, you can call him a bit of a Renaissance Man.
Carlos’ mission is to bring men and women together through awareness of both our traditional and contemporary gender roles. He conducts workshops and in-field training sessions, phone counseling, as well as group seminars.
Notable Quotes from Carlos Xuma:
- Learn the secrets of REAL attraction – by using the REAL you…
- Attract QUALITY women that you can have a QUALITY relationship with…
- You need techniques to help you learn how this stuff works, because techniques reinforce your inner game…
- No matter what a woman SAYS, she wants a confident, masculine man that she can feel safe with..
- Get rid of the reactiveness in your game with women…
- Women want leaders and initiators – not imitators
- Approach a woman with curiosity and the battle is half won already…
- You will learn more about yourself in the context of a long-term relationship then you will in any other way…
- Find the right attitude and you’ll always have the right technique…
- You will learn more in one night of real life approaching than you will in a month of reading about it…
- Anything worth doing will NOT be easy…
- If you are heading on a path towards your own passions and purpose, women will want to come along for the ride…
- It’s better to regret the things you did do than the things you didn’t…
- You are what you think about all day long…
- The more things you do that unsuccessful people will NOT do – the more successful you will be…
- Understanding a journey is not the same as TAKING it…
- Men and women are on two different timetables with respect to relationships…
- 90% of what you worry about never happens, and 90% of what happens to you, you never had a chance to worry about…
- Your number one technique for winning a woman’s respect is to never REACT to her…
- Reduce your availability and you increase your desirability…
- The opposite of courage isn’t cowardice… it’s conformity.
- Women have sex with the men they fall in love with; Men fall in love with the women they have sex with…
- Easy rule of sexual intimacy: Go just a little bit slower than she wants you to…
- Fight familiarity – the more you become familiar to the woman you’re with, the less novelty and excitement there is…
- Women want men to approach them – because they will not meet men unless they get approached…
- Sex is inevitable if you’re behaving like a confident and secure man…
- Flip the switch in your head: The world is abundance – not scarcity…
- Carlos Xuma’s Pendulum Theory – every behavior can – and should – swing to extremes…
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 – 1860) |