Confidence: Part 8 – Belief
You absolutely must believe that you are the kind of man who deserves the caliber of woman you desire. If you put up a false front, she will know, and it will come across as incongruent or, even worse, desperation. The whole idea of “fake it till you make it” is valuable to a point, and will open some doors for you. But in order to have true success in any facet of your life, you must truly embody that success. Own it. One of my closest friends, and teachers, always told me to not ask why I was not having success (with women or otherwise), but to ask who I need to become to attract what I want. In other words, don’t search; become. Your habits and behaviors are what define you. You’ve heard, “You are what you eat?” Well, you are also what you do. Do the things that successful MEN do, and you will become the same. It may take some time, but as long as you do not give up, it will happen. Another of my favorite bits of advice that is fitting here, is “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Start being meticulous in doing things well, no matter how small. Stop doing things half-assed. Use your entire ass! Do your best, do things right, always.
Whether it is making an omelette or splitting an atom, do it to the best of your ability. If you do, you will have no choice but to improve. You will gain skills. With skill, comes confidence, and with confidence, comes belief. When you truly believe that you deserve all that you desire, everything will start to fall into place. You will relax, because you know you have the prowess that comes with being a strong MAN. You will project the confidence that women find truly attractive. And the good news is, it will not be a false front. You will have earned your place in the successful world of dating. You will be way ahead of most of the men on the planet and the ladies will sense it in you and be attracted to you. Because you finally believe.
Go On, Be Strong
Spike Spencer, the Dating Sage